Source code for priops.test.test_casting

"""Tests addition ``X() + Z()`` via ``Z -> Y``."""

import priops
from priops.test.classes import X, Y, Z

[docs]def add_xy(x, y): """Adds an :class:`~priops.test.classes.X` instance and a :class:`~priops.test.classes.Y` instance.""" return x.x + y.y
[docs]def cast_yz(z): """Casts a :class:`~priops.test.classes.Z` instance to a :class:`~priops.test.classes.Y` instance.""" return Y(z.z)
p = priops.Priop() edge_add_xy = priops.CallableEdge( input_node=priops.ClassNode(items=[X, Y]), output_node=priops.ClassNode(item=int), callable=add_xy, name='Add X + Y') p.append(edge_add_xy) edge_cast_yz = priops.CallableEdge( input_node=priops.ClassNode(item=Z), output_node=priops.ClassNode(item=Y), callable=cast_yz, name='Cast Z -> Y') p.append(edge_cast_yz) cpf = priops.ClassPathfinder( priop=p, output_node=priops.ClassNode(item=None), max_components=2, max_weight=2)
[docs]def test_succeeds(): """Tests if ``X(1) + Z(3) == 4``.""", Z(3)), 4)
[docs]def test_direct(): """Tests if ``X(1) + Y(2) == 3`` still.""", Y(2)), 3)
[docs]def test_fails(): """Tests that ``X(10)`` cannot be coerced with ``X(20)``.""" cpf(X(10), X(20))