Edges describe connections between two Node objects. An edge has a direction; there is an input node and an output node.
An edge can be called, in that case the edge will transform an object list of the input node specification into an object list of the output node specification.
This class is abstract. Derived classes should provide:
input_node is the specification of the input, output_node is the specification of the output of the Edge. weight is the effort to follow this edge (default 1). name is used for pretty printing.
Combines this edge self with another edge other_edge via creating a CombinedEdge instance.
Bases: priops.edge.Edge
Combined edges combine a number of Edge objects into one big edge. The input node of the combined edge is the sum of all input nodes of the constituets. The output node of a combined edge is similarly the sum of all output nodes of the constituets.
When being called, the combined edge dispatches the inputs to the constituents according to the length of their input nodes. Then the constituents will be called with the dispatched inputs.